Dishonourable compliance, suppressed conscience, and lethal compartmentalisation

The slippery slope to Grenfell to which all boards should be alert I haven’t read the whole Grenfell Inquiry Report. But I have listened to the authoritative BBC Radio 4 podcast series Grenfell – Building a Disaster presented by Kate Lamble. It describes three issues … Continue readingDishonourable compliance, suppressed conscience, and lethal compartmentalisation

Prison for parents? If 1 in 50 pupils are missing from half the lessons, it’s time to think again about what school is for

Throughout the world, education is seen as the route to progress. If children can be educated, they may find a route out of poverty. If girls can be educated, there is hope that they may escape from the burdens of unwanted pregnancy and domestic enslavement. … Continue readingPrison for parents? If 1 in 50 pupils are missing from half the lessons, it’s time to think again about what school is for

Question to the board: what if a consultant’s report is not the solution to your knotty problem?

Thirty years ago, as I was embarking on what became the RSA Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry[i], I had a conversation with a senior partner in an international management consultancy. I liked him and felt that he had a lot to contribute to our work on the … Continue readingQuestion to the board: what if a consultant’s report is not the solution to your knotty problem?

Let the politics of belonging and the economics of the harvest guide every decision we make

Last week in the UK the discussion was divisive, with some Moslem groups feeling targeted by new definitions of extremism and MP Diane Abbott being the subject of shockingly hateful and violent words. I have been asking myself what is missing in our politics.  In … Continue readingLet the politics of belonging and the economics of the harvest guide every decision we make

When does a cause become ‘politically motivated’? And is that a reason for boards to steer clear of it?

‘Politically motivated’. I first became aware of this label in 1983 when I was an election candidate in the UK. In my campaign to become the next MP I dropped in on retired people who had gathered for morning coffee in the town’s day centre. … Continue readingWhen does a cause become ‘politically motivated’? And is that a reason for boards to steer clear of it?