Memo to the chair: unhappy about ticking those ESG boxes? Then lead from the front

I experienced a nasty discordant sound last month on hearing two pieces of news. First I learned from some of the world’s leading scientists who formed The Earth Commission that: Human activity has pushed the world into the danger zone in seven out of eight … Continue readingMemo to the chair: unhappy about ticking those ESG boxes? Then lead from the front

Transparency was yesterday, tomorrow is about vigilance. Here are four questions boards need to ask.

16 years ago, Tomorrow’s Company published the conclusion of an inquiry into the global company of the future. The tone was positive and optimistic. In the Tomorrow’s Global Company report of 2007, the assumption was that NGOs and businesses would work ahead of government, setting and committing … Continue readingTransparency was yesterday, tomorrow is about vigilance. Here are four questions boards need to ask.

Set up a shadow board by all means, but when will you get serious about intergenerational fairness?

‘It’s clear that while capitalism has a huge amount to offer in terms of wealth creation and encouraging free enterprise, it has still not found a way of enabling participation for all’ ‘Imagine a world where every young person not only has a small inheritance … Continue readingSet up a shadow board by all means, but when will you get serious about intergenerational fairness?

Does our company’s core activity help human beings thrive? If not, what are we planning to do about it?

‘Degrowth is a planned reduction of energy and resource use designed to bring the economy back into balance with the living world in a way that reduces inequality and improves human well-being’. Jason Hickel, Author of Less is More Last week, experienced chair Heather Tierney-Moore … Continue readingDoes our company’s core activity help human beings thrive? If not, what are we planning to do about it?

Thinking like an owner – a precious byproduct of capitalism

Last week BBC Radio 4 hosted a discussion about capitalism between three authors – the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf, US Senator Bernie Sanders and economist Kate Raworth,  whose contribution to an earlier broadcast I commented on here. None of these three participants spoke positively about … Continue readingThinking like an owner – a precious byproduct of capitalism

From Jack Welch to Paul Polman — what a change in just 15 years!

Trials of a 4-day working week have been a success, according to recent reports in The Guardian. 18 of the 61 participating companies have already made this pattern permanent. “At Ravelin Robotics, staff have been enjoying a three-day weekend,” said David Alatore, its chief technology officer. … Continue readingFrom Jack Welch to Paul Polman — what a change in just 15 years!